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Tarayana Foundation

"Service from the Heart"

Over 20 Years of Rural Transformation

Serving From the Heart

‘In 2017, during the college’s club fair, I was left dazed by the number of
individuals rushing to join the various clubs. The Tarayana Club felt familiar
because I heard about the Foundation during my schooling days as an organization that helps those in financially challenged situations. With the sole mission to help others, I joined the Tarayana Club and have contributed to the Foundation till my graduation.

In the spring of 2018, I was appointed as the Vice-Coordinator of the Club. I took up the role of Coordinator when the former Coordinator graduated in late 2018. I was the Tarayana Club coordinator of the College of Natural Resources till 2021. I was urged by other club members to become the Vice Coordinator and subsequently the Coordinator for my ability to voice out opinions, and lift morale with my humor. I felt immense gratitude as I was always looking for opportunitiesto serve and support the society.

As a Tarayana Club member, I organized and volunteered in socially beneficial and inclusive activities almost every weekend during my entire four years of college. While serving I felt the pain of needy individuals firsthand which has left a big impression on my heart educating me to be a good person that helps people without discrimination. I recall going to offer Zhabtoh (social service) at different locations and communities, and coordinating on-campus activities such as beautification, and road maintenance. 

As the Club Coordinator, one of my most memorable achievements was executing the Club’s pilot project of Cloths Donation and Distribution to thousands of underprivileged individuals in remote places of Dagana, Wangdue Phodrang, Punakha, and Gasa. Another achievement during my tenure as the Coordinator was having over 200 club members while other clubs could register up to 50 members only. 

To ensure all the members were actively involved we had to strategically divide the activities between members. With this division of volunteers in various fields, I feel disheartened to not be able to involve all members at all times. Looking back, I feel content and satisfied with my contributions, and achievements with the Club I have put my heart and soul into. I also feel blessed for this rare opportunity to bring happiness to people far beyond my expectations.

During the four years of service to the Foundation with the CNR Tarayana Club, I have observed that the Foundation has a team dedicated to the benefit of communities all around the nation that always encouraged and supported the club activities. The commitment of the individuals associated with the Foundation can be seen in the unrelenting efforts to create the best platforms to educate the hearts of the youths.

After graduating CNR and leaving the role of Club Coordinator, I have observed a gradual drop-off in the energy of the club and now I rarely see any activity posted on the Club’s Facebook page. I feel it may be due to the few change in rules and policies at college.

Having Tarayana Clubs around the country is essential. A person’s mind is
educated within the four walls of a classroom surrounded by books. I strongly believe that just educating the mind without educating the heart is useless. With Tarayana Clubs at schools and colleges, students can learn sympathy and empathy by helping others. 

I hope education institutions of all levels in the country establish a Tarayana Club to allow the upcoming generations to see and feel the hardships of individuals living on the bare minimum that will enrich their hearts. I am aware that as an NGO financial constraints are unavoidable but as the Foundation enters its third decade I hope the Foundation could look for an alternative mechanism for sanctioning seed money for the independent functioning of the clubs. 

From my experience, the club is financially dependent on the administrative body that hampers its operations and success. I graduated from CNR with a Bachelor of Science in Food Science in 2021. Currently, I am a teacher at the Ngajur Pemachopheling Dratshang located in Nangkor Gewog, Zhemgang District. Regarding my future plans, I will just follow god’s plan for me and live a simple and humble life.’