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Tarayana Foundation

"Service from the Heart"

Over 20 Years of Rural Transformation

A Modern Farmer

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of young, educated individuals moving to rural areas and taking up farming as a profession. This shift is driven by a desire to live a more sustainable life, contribute to local community, and reconnect with nature. Lethro, is a 32 years old from Rukha, Wangdue Phodrang, and who completed high school in 2015. He spent his schooling days in the urban areas. However, he often found himself feeling disconnected from his roots and searched for a deeper sense of purpose. 

While his friends became accustomed with the fast-paced, high-stress lifestyle of the city, he longed for a simpler way of life. After he couldn’t afford to pursue further studies, he returned home to work as an educated modern farmer. His decision to become a farmer may have been unconventional, but it ultimately led him to a fulfilling and meaningful career. He shares that farming is not just a means of livelihood but also a way of life that offered the opportunity to connect with nature, grow healthy, organic food, and make a positive impact on the

However, it’s not always an easy transition. Farming requires a great deal of hard work and resilience. Many young people had to learn new skills, such as crop
management and marketing their products. He also pointed out financial constraints as the main challenge in the community. Asked about his view on being a young entrepreneur, he doesn’t have much idea but has expressed his concern about young aspiring entrepreneurs often lacking capital or a direct source of income, so regulatory barriers only add to their already demotivated spirits. 

Moreover, their efforts have not gone unnoticed. Many consumers are increasingly interested in buying locally grown, organic produce. They also take pride in knowing that they are contributing to building stronger, more resilient communities. He also enjoys the sense of satisfaction that comes from working with their hands, growing their own food, and living in harmony with nature. The trend of young, educated people turning to farming is a positive development that bodies well for the future of agriculture and the environment. He is one of the role models proving the modernization of embracing traditional farming methods and combining them with modern techniques which fetch huge potential to create a sustainable, thriving agricultural system that benefits both people and the planet. Lethro truly is an aspirant contemporary farmer, who is a great example to rest other youths wishing to go back to the village and create a livelihood.