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Tarayana Foundation

"Service from the Heart"

Over 20 Years of Rural Transformation

Climate Resilient WASH

Sanitation and hygiene are major challenges in rural communities in Bhutan due to the lack of toilet facilities and adequate water. The issues arise from a need for more awareness, shortage of plumbing services, water scarcity, and low income among community members. As of March 2024, the Foundation has constructed 1,171 pour-flush toilets, 115 water reservoir tanks, and 162 water taps, significantly improving the overall well-being and hygiene of the communities. Through this program, interventions in feminine hygiene and reproductive health were also addressed, resulting in increased school attendance for girls and safety for pregnant women in rural communities. Senior citizens and people with disabilities have an easier time accessing toilet facilities, thus decreasing the incidence of water-borne and skin diseases.