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Tarayana Foundation

"Service from the Heart"

Over 20 Years of Rural Transformation

Research, Advocacy and Network

a)   Research

The Foundation believes that engaging in Action Research and Advocacy is crucial for its mission to foster progress, development, and positive change and to ensure that it continues to have a meaningful impact in the areas it operates in. The Foundation actively works with stakeholders at every level, from the grassroots to local and district administrations, as well as at a national and global scale, to champion transformation and tackle the challenges faced by rural communities.

i) Tarayana Centre for Research and Development

Tarayana Centre for Research & Development (TCRD) is the research arm of the Foundation engaged in practical research to co-create solutions to address the issues that impact the day-to-day lives of the vulnerable groups and communities that the Foundation serves. TCRD mainly focuses on sustainable practices, impact studies, and innovative solutions to enhance livelihoods, adapt and mitigate the impact of climate change, and erosion of cultural practices. TCRD aims to share research results with communities, development practitioners and decision-makers to help inform policy, contribute to crucial development debates, and dialogues towards policy changes where necessary. This is being pursued through research, documentation, monitoring, and evaluation of Tarayana Foundation’s many interventions in the field with focus on the practical bottom-up intervention approach that provides valuable insights for national, regional, and global policy formulations.

Some of the main objectives of TCRD are to serve as the repository of knowledge and process information generated over the two decades of the Foundation’s holistic rural development services. TCRD will provide technical support to the Programme Division in developing suitable interventions based on the results of action research, community feedback and lessons learnt. It will provide guidance and support in selecting appropriate theory of change and development pathways suited to the local context to help solve day to day challenges while aligning with the Foundation’s vision and mission.

The specific objectives are:

1. Curate and document Tarayana’s progress (continuous process) – Build and maintain reliable database using project reports, project documents, monitoring and other assessment reports.

2. Guide action research on spring shed management, water harvesting and management in the context of climate change.

3. Document contemporary practices of natural resource management, institutions and laws, and produce suitable manuals and guides for field use

4. Document behavior change and conduct trend studies in food and nutrition.

5. Based on research findings publish papers to inform policy processes

6. Host policy dialogues Document impacts of development interventions

The Key research themes are centered around: Adapting to Climate Change and building Climate Resilience in rural communities, Enhancing sustainable Livelihoods (food and nutrition security), Supporting Youth and Women for Rural Transformation.

The Approaches adopted are: Participatory and inclusive programme co-creation, capacity building utilizing traditional knowledge and science for empowerment, knowledge generation through actionable citizen research.

Strategy: Linking research with field programs, Building partnerships with institutions and donors and Securing sustainable financing.

b) Advocacy

The advocacy programme plays a crucial role in advocating for change and awareness raising on different issues pertaining to the rural population, influencing local, national and international policies. The main aim is to create an enabling environment for the Foundation’s work, build partnerships with organizations that share similar goals, empower communities by amplifying their voices and advocating for their rights, and promoting their participation in decision-making processes.

The Foundation focuses on advocacy around Gender Equality, Inclusivity and Transformative Change, Environmental and Social Issues, ending Violence Against Children (EVAC), Youth Development, Nutrition, Well-being and Gross National Happiness and Climate Change and Adaptation

i) At the grassroots level, advocacy empowers local individuals and communities to take charge of their own development. It helps build local capacity and confidence, allowing people to advocate for their own rights and interests. This empowerment leads to more sustainable and community-driven solutions, enabling a higher engagement and commitment to the cause. The Foundation provides capacity building and awareness on different issues enabling effective participation of the community members in the decision-making process. One such example is the social accountability and social  auditing  skills that are imparted to the community members as part of the Foundation’s Human Rights Based Development initiatives.

ii) At the District level, the Foundation engages with the local government and district authorities, bringing issues from the grassroots to their notice. Facilitation services are provided between grassroots communities and local and district leaders to identify issues for consideration in national plans.

iii) At the national level, in addition to actively participating in policy consultations and formulations, the Foundation organizes dialogues between grassroots communities and policymakers. Such forums bring the grassroots perspective to the attention of policymakers, leading to more informed and effective policies that reflect the needs of the communities, which often get filtered in the development process at the local and district levels.

The Foundation initiated setting up the Community Radios in the country in Dechen- Pelri village, Sarpang and Dorokha, Samtse. The community members own and operate the station, which is used for raising awareness on different issues, information and news sharing and entertainment. It is also an essential medium in the communities to keep up with their age-old traditions, folklore and songs.

b) Network

Business, Enterprise, and Employment Support for Women in South Asia Network (BEES). Tarayana is a founding member and the first chair of the Business, Enterprise, and Employment Support for Women in South Asia Network (BEES). Founded in 2011 by 15 civil society organizations representing eight South Asian Countries, the network collectively tackles the shared challenge of women’s economic participation.

Tarayana is a member of :